Tuesday, November 20, 2018

What Are The Benefits Of Getting Your Patent Registered

Patent registration is done to secure your unique innovation.When the patent is approved, no one can use the idea without your permission. According to a patent lawyer in India, people have a misconception about the patent registration process. They think that only science and research documents could be secured by filing a patent application, but the truth is, every creative thought is patentable. The patent is like a legal certificate that tells that thing registered under that name legally belongs to the person and could not be used by other people without permission. The patent attorney in India says that the innovator becomes the owner of the concept for which he files the patent after successful approval. The use of the innovative concept is made with the consent of the owner where he discloses complete information to the person who will be going to take the invention forward.

Who can register a patent application

The person who wishes to file a patent application must come up with an invention which doesn't exist yet. The patent details must be kept private before submitting the patent application so that it stays unique. There should not be any public information about the concept you want to patent. The invention must be something that is not obvious. It should not be the high level of a previously existing skill or something that any skilled person can do. The patent also needs to be usable for in industries so that it has something productive. According to the patent registration rules, the invention must be complete before you proceed on to applying for a legal license to make it all yours. 

What are the benefits of patent registration

Promotes innovation

The new invention is meant to create something better and useful. The patent helps the inventor get benefitted for the time and efforts he/she invested. For intelligent people, their knowledge is their real wealth, and by patenting their work, they make it safe. The new technology that emerges out can lose its importance if not licensed because no one will like to invest without the support of the government. The private investors want acceptance of government so that future hurdles could be minimized. Without a patent, sometimes the invention cannot be prevented from developing, and it will ruin the efforts of the person who invented it plus a new technology will end before even coming.

Stimulates economic growth

The patents attract investment which strengthens the economic level of a company. They can even bring potential foreign investments that are good for the national economic growth of the industry. The strong financial background increases production which further improves exportation. The benefits go on increasing which could be consumed for further research and development processes making the whole scenario better and wide. However, sometimes, the higher fee of the patent can get over all the benefits, and that's what makes the small and medium businesses to step back. Things need to be cleared before proceeding so that there is no confusion and loss.

The spread of knowledge and the efficient use of resources

When the patent is received, it is ready to be used by the public at some cost, and here initiates the sharing of knowledge for betterment. The shared information helps in developing something that benefits the whole society more than keeping the information secret. The disclosure of details helps in making the better use of what resources and ideas are available to us. It also prevents duplication of previously existing information because things that are public are recognized better. The research efforts thus get the best value when shared and not when kept hidden. 

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