Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Differentiate between the trademark and intellectual property

Intellectual property is a resultant of creativity which comprises of copyright, trademark , trade secret and patents. The trademark registration in ahmedabad is performed at babaria ip where by filing the form you can make your space in the intellectual property.

The intellectual property are of four types:-


Trademark is a typically a word, logo, image, symbol, phrase, design or a mixture of any these elements which is used by an individual, corporate or an association. Trademark is unique so it will always differ from another company, It is defined according to the selling goods or services. Trademark can be registered, unregistered and unregistered service mark. The trademark is registered with U.S.Patent and Trademark Office. Trademark is also known as service mark.


Copyright is legal exclusive rights given by creator for the use and distribution. The rights are given for limited time period. The copyright laws vary country wise. Copyright is configured when people start copying the data without making it noticed. This rights include attributes such as reproduction, distribution, control over derivative work, public performance and moral rights. The copyright is permitted from the author’s life plus till 50 to 100 years after the author dies. For example when someone creates the music lyrics then all the rights are safeguarded with the person, if someone wants to copyright that lyrics then one has to take the permission otherwise it will be taken as unauthorized duplication.

Trade Secret

Trade secret is a practice, formula, design, instrument, pattern, process or any other information which is hidden from every aspects. If somebody steals the trade secret than that competitor or consumer can attain the economic profit. Trade secret is strictly confidential information. It is important and invisible component. Now a days each company make an agreement with the employee for not disclosing the necessary deeds of the company. Trade secret is defined in three factors under an agreement of Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
The public is associated with only that part of information which is needed to them.
Shareholders must be aware about the profit booked by the company.
The holders need to maintain the privacy.


Patent is the group of unique rights given by a national and international government to the inventor for the limited period of time. The patent is can be filed by filing the application, the one who is filing the application is named as applicant, inventor or the assignee. Patents are mostly taken care by the government. The inventor can sell, use, make or distribute the invention other than that no one can use the invention. 

Patents are of three types:

  1. Utility Patent
  2. Design Patent
  3. Plant Patent


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