Before we tell you, how a registered trademark in Indian can help you, let us understand what a trademark is. A trademark is essentially a logo or a brand, it can be anything that stands a product or service apart from the rest of the similar products or services in the market. Ideally, the trademark registration is done for brand name and logo but nowadays, people are registering the catchy business phrases, taglines, the color scheme of the business and case of letters used in the business name as trademarks.
Trademark is a valuable asset for a company and it speaks of a brand and the quality associated with it. Hence, if you have your business set now, reach the trademark office for a trademark registration in Ahmedabad.
The trademark office in Ahmedabad will guide you through the complete procedure of trademark registration.
Why Register Brand Name or Trademark?
As a business start-up, you might have a number of questions regarding the trademark registration in Ahmedabad. You may want to give it a second thought to go for a trademark registration.
While taking a decision, consider the following scenarios:
1. What if, someone uses your business name.
2. What if, after sometime you come to know that some other buisnessman has already registered a trademark with your business name.
Both of these situations can turn out to be nightmares for you. The trademark registration can save you from situations like these. Getting your brand name and other aspects registered will prevent the frauds in market to duplicate your brand name and it eases out the process of the already registered trademark search for you.
What Can Be Register As The Trademark in India?
In India, a businessperson can apply for trademark under the following four main categories:
1. Descriptive Trademarks
Descriptive trademarks are those that clearly describes the purpose of the business. For instance, a trademark in the name of “Vision Care” clearly shouts out the purpose of the business. These are the most common forms of registered trademarks.
2. Suggestive Trademarks
Suggestive Trademarks do not describe the purpose of the business clearly instead, it demands from the consumers to join the terms and logically understand the meaning of the trademark.
3. Fanciful Trademarks
These trademarks are also known as “coined” trademarks. These terms are meaningless before the trademark application. These are the terms used for a specific purpose or to promote a specific brand. For instance, Pepsi, Cola, Kotak and so on.
4. Arbitrary or random trademarks
These trademarks possess meaning in general but they are not directly associated with a product or service. For examples, Mango is a fruit but the owner applied for the trademark for an elite fashion brand. Hence, Mango as a fashion brand is Arbitrary.
Bonus- Strength Of The Trademarks
Each trademark comes with its unique features and they help in preventing trademark infringement of goods and services.
1. The fanciful trademarks are the strongest form of trademarks due to its distinctiveness in the market.
2. The arbitrary trademarks are strong too. Although the term is common but the association with a product is uncommon.
3. The suggestive trademarks are comparatively stronger than the descriptive trademarks. They speak of the quality of the goods.
4. The descriptive trademarks are hte weakest forms of trademarks. They are just the desciption of the product or service and nothing else.
Your trademark lawyer or agent is the right person to guide you with the complete trademark application process. With the help of these trademark consultants, it is easy to apply for a trademark in India.
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