We are living in an information age where there is plenty of information available from various sources, physical and digital. Anyone can get good information on various topics, tweak it a little and use the same for his own, videos, presentations, speeches and showcase it as one’s own original work. This is the situation where the importance of copyright is understood. When a student is copying someone else’s work and considering it as his own, he is infringing the patent rights of some other person.
Hence if a student wants his work to remain unique and prevent someone from copy his work, he can go for the copyright registration in Ahmedabad.
Following are the tips for the students for accessing the material available from other sources:
1. Use only the open online material
The students should use the online material which is open and should not enter any page where they are prompted as copyright. For an example, if a student wishes to add Shakespeare's work in his research or thesis, the student should provide the reference of the work in such a way that it does not look like infringement. The students should pay attention to their own skill and try to improve their skills instead of copying others’ work.
2. Taking permission before using any other’s work
There are times when a copyrighted work needs to be used for the authenticity of one’s own research. In such cases, it is important to ask for permission before using the work. Even if the owner of the work is not online at your time of using the material, you can just email him/her or text him if the number is available. Once you have obtained the approval, the hindrances will all be cleared and you can present your original work too.
3. Fair Dealing
Section 52 of the Indian Copyright Act deals with the fair dealing and fair use of the copyright materials. These are actually, exceptions to what one would call as infringement of the copyright. For example, if a student wishes to use a long video clip that is under a copyright, for his learning project, it will not be called infringement. Thus, if the intention of using the material is fair, it is not a copyright violation.
4. Not sharing material
The student should keep in mind not to share the already copied material from the internet. For example, if a person has downloaded a video from the YouTube, which is already an infringement as per the rules and regulations, the person should neither share it or distribute it, especially for the profit purposes. If it is done, the person needs to bear the consequences.
The aim of patent and copyrights are to protect the creators of the original work. When a student follows the above mentioned tips, it will be easier for him to use the material and not being caught as well.