Trademark registration needs to be done as soon as possible to avoid any complication.Trademark registration in Ahmedabad occurs under the Trademark Act,1999.Trademark can be registered for 10 years, after 10 years it needs to be renewed by filing trademark renewal form.
Trademark is recognized as one own right on a word, label, numeral, name, symbol or a phrase which defines a specific product or services which is legally authorized to a company and is differentiates it from all other products or services. The company has its own ownership on a brand and with this trademark company can be identified and distinguish from other source.
Multiple class application
Multiple class registration is a federal trademark registration where the owner wants to register his goods or service in more than one international class which can give them the mark. For doing this thing of multiple class application it has some advantage and disadvantage as well. The major advantage is that the applicants don't have to fill many applications. This will help the applicant to focus on only one application. Hence if applicant will fill one form so it will reduce time and effort.
But as it is multiple class so it require incident cost at later stage. The mark which is filled in the application is splitted in different class where this mark will be used and as it is divided so it require additional fees.
Steps to fill the application
Below are the steps which an applicant has to use while filling multiple class application.
1) Search of Trademark:- There is the thought in everybody mind to have unique trademark but before using that Trademark applicant should make the research that is that trademark is unique or not so that there should be no hassle in future
2) Trademark application to be filled in India:- After searching the trademark and if you identify that its unique then applicant has to file the trademark application form at Trademark office, India and in India trademark office is available in Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata.
3) Examination of Trademark:- After application is filled then it goes for examination and that get approval in two ways one is conditionally and other is unconditionally. In unconditionally, if there is no objection then trademark is published in trademark journal and if there is any objection so one month time will be given to respond the objection.
4) Publication of Trademark:- The process of publication is also included in registration process so that if anyone have objection then they can get chance to oppose. If there is any opposition then there is hiring and decision is taken by registrar. But in the timeframe of 3-4 month there is no opposition then it proceeding for further.
5) Certificate of registration:- Post filling of the trademark journal then application proceeds for registration where registration certificate is issued under the seal of the trademark office.